Sunday, November 25, 2007

a demeaningly dishonest little man...

John Howard - Australia's long-serving Prime Minister is gone [election 24/11].

He touted himself as a great man of Australian politics, but his main legacy was a series of lies... from things like the Tampa, where he never came clean that he new the poor refugees had actually not thrown their children overboard, to a lack of honesty over the AWB illegally giving the proceeds of its wheat sales to Saddam Hussein, through to his claim in the 2004 election to keep inflation at 'record lows' when he didn't in fact have the power to do that, to his final lie - the post-election implication that he was responsible for handing Australia over more prosperous than it was before, when in fact the minerals boom is probably the single biggest cause of Australia's current wealth...

In short, he was a dishonest little man - and for all his self-aggrandisement, a man that will not be missed!
