Wednesday, December 02, 2009

ETS a tax?

Well, a day into the new Liberal leadership and the predictable scare campaign starts: "the ETS is nothing more than new a tax!"
Well of course it's a tax, you dipshits - it's a tax on big polluters who otherwise wouldn't be forced to pay for the costs they impose on the environment [and others] in the search of profit!

The environment is a 'public good' - ie one which is freely available to all and which is not charged to users. But big polluters impose a big cost on the the environment [& us all] so an ETS - or a carbon tax, for that matter - work to impose a cost on them, so that they will no longer be able to make as much money by causing damage to the environment - ie they will have to bear some cost for the damage they cause, causing them to pollute less!

So Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce, to the extent that it will force them to consider the cost of polluting in their business decisions, yes it is a tax, and that is not a bad thing!


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