Thursday, February 04, 2010

Macs and more...

One thing that never fails to amaze me is the almost religious fervour with which mac aficionados seem to greet the latest product announcement from Apple's Steve Jobs [in this case, the I-Pad].

You'd think that every new product they release is going to save the world, rather than make the 'big A' a tidy profit.

Interestingly, even before Apple began to release their range of super consumer-oriented products [I-Phone, I-Pod etc], Mac computer followers were always devotional in the way they greeted any new mac computer release... and it was always taken for granted that Mac software was way superior to that of Microsoft.

Although not swept away by this mystical belief, it suited me [because I was going to use them for design purposes] to get a couple of macs to complement my PC in the office. And from a software perspective, the mac had a couple of nice touches, but there was simply nothing miraculous about the mac's software - in fact I found each system [Mac OS and Windows OS] to have advantages and disadvantages.

One thing that soon bothered me with Mac [unlike Windows] is that when Apple produced a revised operating system [which they tend to do every couple of years] they force you to buy that new version, because you suddenly find that most of your old software no longer works - unlike Windows.

And yet, it's still taken almost as a given with these Mac purists that Apple can do no wrong. You almost have to wonder if these people have something missing in their lives, that they have to worship this company as the harbinger of all that is good in this world!

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