Friday, November 14, 2008

Interview critique [addendum to previous budget post]

The only other point to add to the [admittedly rather lengthy] post below, was the disappointing performance of Quentin Dempster, the interviewer on ABC's Stateline.

While Roozendaal was trotting out his inanely stupid PR line 'a tough budget for tough times', Dempster singularly failed to correct him on the crux of the whole argument - namely that when there are tough times, it is a government's job to post a stimulatory budget - ie they are supposed to act in a counter-cyclical manner, to correct the market failing ie in a recession, they should increase, not reduce spending - this is economics 101, and unfortunately Dempster didn't have the interviewing where-with-all to pick Roozendaal up on it.

Very disappointing all round!


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